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Explore our range of antique clocks from smaller mantel clocks to French boulle clocks, ornate bronze gilt clocks and English bracket clocks. We have clocks by makers, Japy Freres, Samuel Marti, Winterhalder & Hofmeier, as well as 18th and 19th century English makers too.

All our antique clock movements are cleaned and serviced and come with a 12 month guarantee.

French antique Louis XIV style boulle mantel clock

French Louis XIV Style Boulle Mantel Clock by Samuel Marti


antique French Louis 14th Victorian boulle mantel clock

French Louis XIV Style Ebonised & Boulle Mantel Clock



French Louis XIV Style Boulle Mantel Clock 


antique English Regency black timepiece mantel clock

Regency Ebonised Timepiece Mantel Clock


an antique rosewood and marquetry inlaid mantel clock by henry marc on silk suspension

French Rosewood and Marquetry Mantel Clock by Henry Marc


an antique French mahogany Edwardian mantel clock with silvered dial

French Belle Epoque Mahogany Mantel Clock


French mahogany 19th century mantel clock with marquerty inlay by Vincenti
an antique French Louis XIV style mahogany mantel clock with silvered dial and eight day movement

French Mahogany Mantel Clock by Vincenti


French Louis XIV Style Mahogany Mantel Clock


an antique Victorian portico mantel clock

French Rosewood Portico Mantel Clock


french antique Edwardian mahogany mantel clock with shell inlany and white enamel dial

French Belle Epoque Mahogany Mantel Clock


an antique Edwardian mahogany table clock with white enamel dial and Arabic numerals

French Belle Epoque Mahogany Mantel Clock


antique French Edwardian mahogany balloon mantel clock by Samuel Marti

French Belle Epoque Mahogany Mantel Clock by Samuel Marti


an antique French Art Nouveau mahogany mantel clock

French Art Nouveau Mahogany Mantel Clock



German Mahogany Ting Tang Mantel Clock by W&H


Edwardian mahogany single fusee timepiceantique mantel clock

Edwardian Single Fusee Timepiece Mantel Clock by Walter Burton


antique German Victorian mahogany ting tang bracket clock by winterhalder and hofmeier

German Mahogany Ting Tang Bracket Clock by Winterhalder & Hofmeier



German Westminster Striking Bracket Clock by W&H


an antique Georgian mahogany bracket clock by John Grant stood on a wall bracket

English Georgian Mahogany Bracket Clock by John Grant


antique Georgian mahogany balloon shaped bracket clock with eight day London movement

Georgian Mahogany Balloon Shaped Bracket Clock by Atkins of London


antique Georgian mahogany bracket clock by Roskell

English Georgian Mahogany Bracket Clock by Robert Roskell & Son


antique Georgian bracket clock by Marks

English Georgian Mahogany Timepiece Bracket Clock by L. Marks


antique English bracket clock by Rives with pad top

English Regency Mahogany Pad Top Bracket Clock by Rives 


antique William IV English mahogany table clock with twin fusee striking on a bell

William IV figured Mahogany Bracket Clock by J & E Mason


an antique English Georgian bracket clock with silent strike movement

English Georgian Mahogany Bracket Clock by Hampson & Son


antique German Victorian black forest walnut bracket clock by Lenzkirch
antique regency mahogany clock stood on a wall bracket by Thomas Connold

German Black Forest Carved Walnut Bracket Clock by Lenzkirch


Regency Mahogany Bracket Clock by Thomas Connold


antique Georgian lancet top bracket clock with brass inlay striking on a bell

Georgian Mahogany Bracket Clock by W. Cording



French Louis XVI Style Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock by Japy Freres


French bronze gilt and porcelain antique mantel clock by Japy Freres

French Bronze Gilt & Porcelain Mantel Clock by Japy Freres



French Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock by Leroy & Fils


antique French ormolu mantel clock with black porcelain panels

French Louis XVI Style Bronze Gilt & Porcelain Mantel Clock by Japy Fils


an antique French bronze gold table clock with inset porcelain painted panels

French Bronze Gilt & Porcelain Mantel Clock by Vicarino


antique French Victorian glass brass and champleve enamel mantel clock

French Four Glass & Champleve Mantel Clock


French four glass antique mantel clock with brass and champleve enamel frame

French Four Glass, Brass & Champleve Mantel Clock


French Louis XIV style bronze gilt antique mantel clock

French Louis XIV Style Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock 


an antique French Rococo style bronze mantel clock with brass dial by Japy Freres

French Bronze Rococo Style Mantel Clock by Japy Freres


antique French Victorian bronze gilt and porcelain mantel clock with cherubs

French Napoleon III Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock with Porcelain Panels


French antique brass gilt mantel clock in the Louis XV style by Japy Freres with outside count wheel striking on a bell

French Louis XV Style Brass Gilt Mantel Clock by Japy Freres


an antique French four glass and champleve mantel clock

French Four Glass Brass Champleve Mantel Clock


antique French Victorian bronze gilt mantel clock by Vincenti

French Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock by Vincenti


antique French brass clock set with side garnitures

French Brass and Gilt Mantel Clock Set by A.D Mougin


French antique decorative brass mantel clock by A.D Mougin

French Brass Mantel Clock by A.D Mougin


an antique French Louis 14th style bronze gilt ormolu mantel clock with doves and eight day movement striking on a bell

French Louis XIV Style Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock


French 19th century brass gilt and silver gilt antique mantel clock striking on a gong

French Brass and Silver Gilt Mantel Clock


an antique French Louis XV style brass mantel clock by Samuel Marti

French Louis XV Style Brass Gilt Mantel Clock by Samuel Marti


french antique brass and champleve mantel clock by Japy Freres

French Brass and Champleve Mantel Clock by Japy Freres


antique French Victorian empire style with roman female figure bronze gilt mantel clock

French Bronze Gilt Romanesque Mantel Clock by Cailly Aine


an antique French bronze gilt mantel clock with ultra marine blue porcelain panels by Japy Freres

French Bronze Gilt & Porcelain Mantel Clock by Japy Freres


antique French Victorian marble and bronze mantel clock by Deniere

French Napoleon III Bronze Mantel Clock by Deniere and Cailleaux


a French antique clock set in the Louis XVI style made from white marble and bronze gilt ormolu mounts with candelabra garnitures

French Louis XVI Style Marble & Bronze Gilt Clock Set by Samuel Marti


french antique white marble mantel clock

French Marble and Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock


antique French Victorian black slate marble mantel clock Rococo style by Japy Freres

French Rococo Style Black Slate and Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock by Japy Freres


antique French Victorian white marble mantel clock

French Louis XVI Style White Marble Mantel Clock


antique Scottish Victorian mahogany dial wall clock by Sorley

Victorian Mahogany Wall Clock by Sorley


an antique French bronze gilt cartel wall clock

French Louis XVI Style Bronze Gilt Cartel Wall Clock


antique Victorian mahogany drop dial wall clock

Victorian Mahogany Drop Dial Timepiece Wall Clock


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